Diabetic Foot Care App
Podia is a digital, AI-powered solution to encourage patient participation in diabetic foot care.
It was awarded both the 1st prize and Orcha Design award in the 2020 CodeToCare hackathon.
Pilar Zhang Qiu | Tatsiana Kuzmich | Xian Zhang | Amer Al-Balah
Yu Shan Koh

Awarded First Prize and Orcha Design Award
at the Code2Care Hackathon (2020)
Use Case Study
There are
people suffering from diabetes in the UK.
From all diabetic patients
will suffer from peripheral neuropathy, causing them to lose senses in their feet.
This increases the chances of wounds going unnoticed and developing into ulcers.
of diabetes-related ulcers lead to amputation, costing the NHS
£ 900M
a year.
Decrease the number of preventable amputations by encouraging at-home diabetic foot checkups,
through a camera-based AI approach.
Stage 1
Use Case Study
Market Research
Stage 2
Technical Protoype:
Foot Ulcer Detection
Stage 3
UX Stories
UX/UI Design

UX Journey Map